401Gives is a state-wide philanthropic giving opportunity, where everyone can open their hearts and their wallets to support a non-profit organization of their choosing. At the Brain Injury Association of Rhode Island, we are so grateful for your support in the past, whether you are a member, have attended an event, or somewhere in between, the work accomplished at BIARI would not be possible without you! We would be honored for you to consider supporting BIARI in this, our “milestone” year, by participating in 401Gives.
“Milestone” because BIARI is in its 40th year of supporting and advocating for brain injury survivors and those that care for them, as well as educating and increasing awareness of this public health crisis.
Now in its 4th year, 401Gives has, historically, been limited to one day of giving. However, in 2023, it is being expanded to include an entire Weekend of Giving. Specifically, it starts on March 31 at 6 am and continues through Monday, April 3 until 6 pm. Plenty of time to make a gift and give back to the community that gives so much!
Each dollar raised for The Brain Injury Association of Rhode Island stays right here in our state. That’s right 100% of our net donations support services and programs needed by our brain injury community – from Return to Play and Return to Learn and ImPACT (or baseline) testing for our student-athletes, to Support Groups for survivors, families, caregivers, veterans, and others to our Navigator Program, designed to assist survivors and families navigate the complexities of federal and state assistance programs, interface with SSA, housing authorities and so much more besides.
We are proud of the work BIARI does and are asking you to join our campaign and help us reach our goal in celebration of our 40th Anniversary as an organization. Consider making a gift of at least $40, and please tell your friends and family members about the important work we do and ask them to join us in helping to make a difference.
Get ready to give! Starting at 6 am on March 31, visit 401Gives Giving Weekend and make your best gift.
Don’t want to wait? You can give to our 401Gives Fund early by clicking here: BIARI’s 401Gives Pre-Giving Event
Thank you in advance for your generosity to The Brain Injury Association of Rhode Island!