April 23, 2021 – Noon to 1:00 P.M. CCMC presents an ethical training titled, “Ethics and Evidence:  Hard Hats and Hard Choices” Presented by Michelle Baker. Joe, a 57-year-old construction worker, is hired onto a job building a four-story office building in a new industrial park some distance from town.  He arrives on the worksite, and realizes his own hard hat has a broken strap and needs repair.  Rather than send him off the job site, and having to hire a new worker, which would result in time delays, the construction manager provides Joe with a hard-hat. Joe didn’t think this hard hat was up to code, but he accepts it and moves on.  Later, as Joe is walking from one part of the site to another, he is suddenly struck in the head by a loose beam that had disconnected from its hoist and fell 10 feet.  Joe was rendered unconscious, taken to the nearest ED and found to have a closed head injury with TBI… In this session, consideration will be given to the case management of a client injured in a workplace accident, using this case study scenario.